Flea’s playing had gone airborne, and bassists like Lance inhaled and held. Original member bassist Dirk Lance clearly had heard Flea’s work on early Peppers’ albums Freaky Styley and Mother’s Milk, anachronisms in rock in both 19, respectively. The album’s jazz-metal single “ You Will Be a Hot Dancer” sprinted into a more unique territory, though. Establishing camp in funk territory that Parliament first occupied, and on which the Peppers later threw a massive and raucous kegger, Incubus started as borderline plagiarists and then rapidly became masters of movement and contrast.

The influences of Primus and the Red Hot Chili Peppers are all over Incubus’ debut album Fungus Amongus, as perhaps are the effects of the titular psilocybin. Lately, they’ve gone into “level-editor mode.”Ĭomposed of vocalist Brandon Boyd, guitarist Mike Einziger, drummer José Pasillas, bassist Ben Kenney since ’03 and turntablist and keyboardist DJ Chris Kilmore since ’98, the band first formed in 1991, when its founding members synced up in high school. While only die-hards were tuning in, the band Incubus has been mastering genres as though each were a level in a video game, the bandmate “co-players” slaughtering bosses together, and then roaming among the open worlds of each titanic genre-world like kings. Triple-click here or highlight for Trigger Warning: Discussion of demonic sex and assault.

Last Updated: January 1st, 2022 at 8:48 pm EDT